Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 28, 2013

I DVRd Naked and Afraid last week and watched it yesterday. Not bad, I will do the same tonight. So far, the women are better at surviving than the man. Since this is Discovery, no nudity even in the uncensored version. Everything gets pixelated.

Just learned something : Though pixelated is the standard spelling of the word meaning rendered with visible pixels, there’s a good reason that spell check does not catch pixilated. Pixilated is an old, seldom-used Americanism dating from the middle of the 19th century and peaking (in this use) in the middle 20th century. It meant (1) crazed, bewildered, or whimsical, or (2) intoxicated. Pixilated derives from the noun pixie, denoting the mythical, mischievous creature. One who is pixilated is under the sway of a figurative pixie or behaving in a pixielike manner.

The word’s exact origins are not known, but it might have been a fanciful coinage influenced by other -ated words such as elated and titillated. The phrasal adjective pixie-led (which is listed in the OED, with the earliest example being from 1659) might also be a source.

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